Friday, June 26, 2009

So tired

We had to go to DeKalb today to get a part for Tim's car. The Honda dealership in DeKalb is the closest place we can special order weird stuff from. While we were there, we went garage saleing (of course). And to a kids toy store that the kids really like. And then we came home and Tim had to fix his car. While I played with two very overly tired kids. I just put Gwendolyn down. And she's having none of it. SHe's too tired to fall asleep. So she's quietly whining to herself. I need to make dinner. And do the millions of chores around here, that always seem to be waiting. But Lucas asked me to sit with him on the couch. Well, of course I'll sit on the couch with a snuggly boy! A very happy ending to a very tiring day :)

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