Monday, June 8, 2009

Fluffy Girl

Gwendolyn is such a fluffy little person. She has such soft, fluffy hair. And she likes to rub her head lovingly on us. She's really so sweet :) So there are some random pictures of her in her sweet little fluffiness.


Andrea said...

She has so much more hair than amelia. lol! how are you? miss you at the crazy story time today. ugh.

Chantel said...

Gwendolyn does have super thick hair. Both kids do, actually. Ah, but Amelia's is long enough for pigtails!!! Did I tell you how adorable the pigtails are??
We're doing great :) I take it you went to the 9:30 storytime?? We were at LLL this morning. And due to my sleep deprived, screaming addled forgetfullness, I thought the last story time was at 11:30 and we could make both. It was at 11. We made it for the last five minutes of playing. Ooops! The kids were happy with that, anyways! Kathleen said there were 36 (I think) kids at the early one - wow! We usually prefer the early one because it works better for our naps (at 11ish), but I think I might chance cranky kiddos to avoid 36 toddlers crammed into one room!!! Lucas does a whole lot better with fewer kids. Are you guys planning to start going to the 3 and up program?? I recently (just now) realized that Lucas will be three soon and that will be an option for us, too. Tho I don't think Lucas 'gets' half of the activities in the one we go to - he just likes seeing other kids :) And wandering around aimlessly while other kids sit quietly and listen to stories :)
Can you tell the kids aren't with me right now?? LOL It's whole lot easier to ramble on without little people needing attention.
How are you and your family doing?? I hope all is going well!!