Saturday, June 13, 2009

The missing camera

It's not actually missing right now. I know just where it is. Sitting on the table next to me in the living room. That is where it lives these days. That's why there is only pictures of the kids in the living room. Whenever the camera moves from that spot, I lose it. Really. It's gone missing many-a-time. Like whenever I take it out with us. It was lost under the carseat for about a month once. And at the bottom of our travel diaper bag for longer than I care to admit to. But I'm getting tired of taking pictures in just one room. I'm debating taking the camera out with me again. I'm trying to think of some way *not* to loose it. I mostly wear yoga pants these days, so no pockets to stuff it in. I'm not even going to chance throwing it in the diaper bag. I want to put it on a necklace. Tim found that outrageous. For some odd reason, he just doesn't like necklaces that much... Hmmph. I guess I'll have to keep thinking. Or brave the possibility of loosing the camera and just taking it out without some safety feature. Yeah, probably the latter. Maybe tomorrow there will be a picure of some other wonderful place. Maybe.

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