Sunday, May 24, 2009

Art and Neighbor Watch

The kids have been loving playing on the art table lately. Gwendolyn is really starting to take an interest in art materials. They mostly still go straight in her mouth. Today she actually drew a little bit with a marker on a piece of paper. Then she started licking it.. Thankfully it was a dark pink color, so you couldn't even tell that she had a colored tongue :) I'm trying to come up with more activities for her since she is enjoying it so much. But I'm not finding much of anything appropriate for a nine month old.. (any ideas????) So I guess we'll keep licking markers for now :) And eating crayons, of course. (In one of the pictures, Gwendolyn was playing with marbles.. I didn't realize she could reach them. LOL )
Lucas is teaching Gwendolyn how to neighbor watch. He stands at the window and watches for our next door neighbors that he REALLY likes to come outside. Then he screams 'HI!!!' until the neighbor notices him.. And then they talk for a while :) Did I mention that the neighbor is REALLY nice and exceptionally tolerant of Lucas? Anyways, Gwendolyn now stands with Lucas and waits for the neighbors... Lucas screams 'Hi, Gwos(nickname for Gwendolyn) here too!!!' It is really cute :)

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