Monday, March 9, 2009

Random Pictures 3

Lucas has his art table set up in the living room again (it was down for a few months) And we have been doing all sorts of projects. Like fabric painting old tank tops to make upcycled bags.
Lucas and I were giving Gwedolyn a bath (it's a very flattering picture of me, by the way) He loving splashing water in her face, and she actually enjoys it :) And the last picture is Gwendolyn enjoyig my new flip flops. They must be tastey...


teriannm said...

howdy! looks like you guys are enjoying the spring weather!
hey what are the bottles on the wall for?? looks interesting! and we're always looking for ideas for reusing bottles but we are running out of things to put in shaker bottles haha

Chantel said...

Hi Teri! It's nice to see you in blog land! :) The bottles are an art project gone wrong, LOL. But Lucas really likes them! We filled them about an inch full of different beads and pom poms and then poured glue over it all. And shook them. But the glue was too thick, of the beads weren't right or something. Because they all just stayed stuck in a lump at the bottom. So we threw/kicked them around and it kind of helped spread things out. It was a fun activity, anyways! They took WEEKS to dry out completely. They were supposed to be kind of like suncatchers. They make Lucas happy. I think just because he enjoyed making them so much. It's all about the process, not the results for toddlers :) We want to try gluing tissue paper to bottles (for suncatchers) and maybe painting them either inside or out. I think it would be fun to put some tempera paint inside the bottles and shake them to see how the colors mix. Lucas is SO into mixing colors of paint/clay these days. How was that for an extra long answer? LOL Anyways, Thanks for stopping by!