Friday, November 30, 2007

He's a real boy

With a real haircut. I finally broke down today and decided it was time to cut Lucas's hair. (one too many 'what a pretty girl' comments? maybe.) He was soooooo good for it!! Sadly we didn't get any action shots during the cutting, because it took both of us to keep him still. But it worked!!! We all sat on the living room floor and gave Lucas a bunch of stuff he isn't supposed to play with (a bulb syringe, two thermometers, and a tube of lanolin) and turned the television on for good measure :) He sat happily playing with his treasures while I cut his hair and Tim made the thermometers beep for him. After a while he realized something was up and started rubbing his not so furry head on my leg happily. He seems to like the lack of hair - see the grin in the photos?? He's so handsome, but I sure do miss all the furriness!!

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