This week for Open Ended Art, the theme was yellow crayons. We wanted to participate, but Lucas doesn't like crayons. Not at all. So it took me a little while to think of something he might enjoy doing. The solution: rubbings. We found this cute little set to use for rubbings at the thrift store recently. We picked out two train plates and one that said 'have a nice day.' We put them into the tray with paper on top and I handed Lucas a yellow crayon and encouraged him to draw on the entire page. He was so entertained when the train image started to show through. After he finished coloring on the whole page with the yellow crayon, he went and got a blue marker to color over the yellow crayon. We've been doing a lot of resist work lately with crayons and markers :) It's so nice to see Lucas using the techniques we have been learning about. The blue marker was a little too dark for the pale yellow, so you can barely make out the image anymore. But Lucas was very proud of himself and loved the finished product! Which is what matters most!
I tried to have Gwendolyn participate this week. Because I figured crayons would be good for her. She ate a good portion of a yellow crayon. And colored her mouth pink and purple. And colored her legs orange. *ahem* Not a single mark ended up on her paper. But she did happily crumple it up and take a bite out of it. :) I guess I should have taken a picture of her - she was her own canvas. LOL
My little likes to eat the crayons sometimes too:-). The rubbings look fun too!
crayons are great for rubbings!
It is amazing how many kids do not like crayons...He did great!
It's great that you found the way to engage him in this project. LOL on Gwendolyn's participation, but it sounds like she enjoyed herself too.
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