Lucas is 34 months. Gwendolyn is 12 months.

The kids enjoyed this magnetic people puzzle.
Gwendolyn mostly liked picking up the pieces and putting them back in the bag. (And I encourage her love of cleaning up!!)
Lucas liked picking various pieces to make a person. He seems to find it offensive when we make the people the 'right' way.

They played with this farm puzzle for days. Lucas drove the tractor puzzle piece around while making appropriate tractor noises. And Gwendolyn pointed excitedly at each animal saying 'Dog dog dog!!!'
::Pipe cleaners

I set out a cup full of pipe cleaners, beads and straws. And let them play.


I filled up their sensory tub with egg noodle pasta and various 'treasures.'
Lucas liked whacking the pasta with a hammer, as usual.

I filled a little cloth bag with egg noodle pasta and 'treasures' and let the kids stick their hands in and feel around and pull things out. It was a great sensory activity for Lucas because it encouraged him to feel for the treasures.

::Push toys

We went for many walks with the kids on their push toys. They loved it!!! And I was so happy to have the inspiration to take them out for more regular walks.

I set out a jar of erasers and two spoons.
(And CLOSELY supervised Gwendolyn because she still puts things in her mouth. She did surprising well with this. After a few gentle reminders, she didn't put any of the erasers in her mouth. I'm thrilled she will be able to do more of our Tot School activities as she gets less likely to stick everything in her mouth.)

Gwendolyn poured the erasers out on the floor and picked up each one and put it back into the jar. And then she put the lid on. And repeated.
Lucas was so happy spooning up the erasers and filling various containers with them.
::'P' on a magna doodle

It's so fun to play with magnets on magna doodles!
::Pink and purple clips on a purple megablock

Both kids loved pulling the clips off of the block. Gwendolyn liked putting each small clip into the little compartments on the underside on the block.

Okay, this isn't actually play-doh. It's a stiff modeling clay. But clay doesn't start with a 'p'.

We took all of the pillows off of the couch and had fun jumping on them on the floor.


Lucas got to watch a police car out the window.
(Tho the real entertaining part for him was when the tow truck arrived to haul the car away)

Lucas painted with water colors. With both hands.

He also painted with water on his chalkboard. And after he dried it off, he got to play with his new bug magnets.
'P' activities not pictured:
We played with lots of pig stuffed animals, plastic pigs and pig puppets. We watched a few movies on the computer about pigs. And made up informative songs about pigs. ('Pig starts with a 'p'. Pigs are pink. A baby pig is called a piglet.' Sang to pretty much any tune that makes you happy)
We also played with a stuffed animal platypus. We read an article about them and listened to what their call sounds like on the computer.
We got out some action figures and various little plastic dolls and talked about how people starts with a 'p'.
We ate: pizza, pitas, pretzels, and plants (this is what Lucas calls alfalfa sprouts).
We read several library books relating to 'p': If You Give a Pig a Pancake, Pigeons Have Feelings, Too, Pinnochio, and a non-fiction book about Police.
We took a few field trips to parks.
And we went to a party.

The kids chased ice around on the kitchen floor.

Gwendolyn used her carrot to whack the ice.
::Water play

Someone forgot to put the lid back on the rice tray. And it rained.
So the kids got a water/rice sensory tub to play with. What a great accident! I was amazed that Lucas was willing to stick his hands in the wet rice. He was concerned when he couldn't shake the wet rice off, but he kept playing anyways. Awesome! He is getting so much more tolerant of unpleasant things touching his hands :)


Lucas has been reading books to Gwendolyn. SO sweet!!
::Sticker book

I got the idea to make a sticker book here.
I used a few of Lucas's drawings and paintings along with a helicopter he requested that I draw for him in page protectors.
And stuck it all in a three ring binder.

He LOVES it!!!

And Gwendolyn loves peeling the stickers back off :)

No week would be complete without puddles of glue.

This week, I decided to go with a letter theme. We worked on 'p'. I was hoping it would help Lucas connect letters to the words we use for everyday things. And it has. He has been walking around saying 'pig starts with a 'p'. And he is able to guess what letter some words start with, now. It was so easy coming up with fun activities that started with a 'p' that this may may to carry over to next week because we couldn't fit them all in!
The kids enjoyed this magnetic people puzzle.
Gwendolyn mostly liked picking up the pieces and putting them back in the bag. (And I encourage her love of cleaning up!!)
Lucas liked picking various pieces to make a person. He seems to find it offensive when we make the people the 'right' way.
They played with this farm puzzle for days. Lucas drove the tractor puzzle piece around while making appropriate tractor noises. And Gwendolyn pointed excitedly at each animal saying 'Dog dog dog!!!'
::Pipe cleaners
I set out a cup full of pipe cleaners, beads and straws. And let them play.
I filled up their sensory tub with egg noodle pasta and various 'treasures.'
Lucas liked whacking the pasta with a hammer, as usual.
I filled a little cloth bag with egg noodle pasta and 'treasures' and let the kids stick their hands in and feel around and pull things out. It was a great sensory activity for Lucas because it encouraged him to feel for the treasures.
::Push toys
We went for many walks with the kids on their push toys. They loved it!!! And I was so happy to have the inspiration to take them out for more regular walks.
I set out a jar of erasers and two spoons.
(And CLOSELY supervised Gwendolyn because she still puts things in her mouth. She did surprising well with this. After a few gentle reminders, she didn't put any of the erasers in her mouth. I'm thrilled she will be able to do more of our Tot School activities as she gets less likely to stick everything in her mouth.)
Gwendolyn poured the erasers out on the floor and picked up each one and put it back into the jar. And then she put the lid on. And repeated.
Lucas was so happy spooning up the erasers and filling various containers with them.
::'P' on a magna doodle
It's so fun to play with magnets on magna doodles!
::Pink and purple clips on a purple megablock
Both kids loved pulling the clips off of the block. Gwendolyn liked putting each small clip into the little compartments on the underside on the block.
Okay, this isn't actually play-doh. It's a stiff modeling clay. But clay doesn't start with a 'p'.
We took all of the pillows off of the couch and had fun jumping on them on the floor.
Lucas got to watch a police car out the window.
(Tho the real entertaining part for him was when the tow truck arrived to haul the car away)
Lucas painted with water colors. With both hands.
He also painted with water on his chalkboard. And after he dried it off, he got to play with his new bug magnets.
'P' activities not pictured:
We played with lots of pig stuffed animals, plastic pigs and pig puppets. We watched a few movies on the computer about pigs. And made up informative songs about pigs. ('Pig starts with a 'p'. Pigs are pink. A baby pig is called a piglet.' Sang to pretty much any tune that makes you happy)
We also played with a stuffed animal platypus. We read an article about them and listened to what their call sounds like on the computer.
We got out some action figures and various little plastic dolls and talked about how people starts with a 'p'.
We ate: pizza, pitas, pretzels, and plants (this is what Lucas calls alfalfa sprouts).
We read several library books relating to 'p': If You Give a Pig a Pancake, Pigeons Have Feelings, Too, Pinnochio, and a non-fiction book about Police.
We took a few field trips to parks.
And we went to a party.
The kids chased ice around on the kitchen floor.
Gwendolyn used her carrot to whack the ice.
::Water play
Someone forgot to put the lid back on the rice tray. And it rained.
So the kids got a water/rice sensory tub to play with. What a great accident! I was amazed that Lucas was willing to stick his hands in the wet rice. He was concerned when he couldn't shake the wet rice off, but he kept playing anyways. Awesome! He is getting so much more tolerant of unpleasant things touching his hands :)
Lucas has been reading books to Gwendolyn. SO sweet!!
::Sticker book
I got the idea to make a sticker book here.
I used a few of Lucas's drawings and paintings along with a helicopter he requested that I draw for him in page protectors.
And stuck it all in a three ring binder.
He LOVES it!!!
And Gwendolyn loves peeling the stickers back off :)
No week would be complete without puddles of glue.
What a fabulous week!! I kept looking at each activity and filing it away because you guys did some great stuff. What great connections to the letter P, too! I always love reading your blog!
Great week! The chasing ice around on the kitchen floor cracked me up - I can just imagine how much fun M would have with that! I also like the idea of using letter magnets on the magna doodle!
What a great week. I love all the p avtivities. I keep my rice tub outside too and am afraid that it will get water in it. Now I know she can still enjoy it that way!
I love the "p" theme! Doing a letter theme is a great idea...usually when I think of themes I think like farm, ocean, etc, but I love the idea of a letter theme. I'll definitely try this when Noah is older:)
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