We went to the thrift store this morning in search of a few things (none of which we came home with) But we did find a whole lot of great stuff while we were there!
We got:
A melissa and doug wooden shape sorter - Lucas LOVES it!! And it has lots of shapes beyond the usual ones, which is great for Lucas because he knows all of the basics. Gwendolyn likes taking the top off and throwing the shapes in that way - it's adorable how proud of herself she is!!
A wooden puzzle clock. Lucas has been working on lots of puzzles lately and has taken a definite interest in telling time, so this will be great practice!!
A set of wooden alphabet magnets and animals/farm magnets. The kids love magnets!!
Another set of pop beads, to go with the set we already have - because can you really have too many pop beads? Lucas thought his five foot long train of pop beads was all sorts of entertaining :) And Gwendolyn loves running behind Lucas and his train and pulling one bead at a time off.
A really nice jump rope with wooden handles - Lucas has had an odd fascination with jump ropes ever since Aunt Yvonne showed him how to use one :)
And three random wooden massage things. Lucas insists that two are cars and one is a steam roller :) I started getting massage brushes/rollers to rub Lucas down with because I heard it was really good for kids with sensory troubles to be pet with them. He's not overly fond of it.. Tho he frequently asks to be rubbed, he laughs and runs away. Or tells me it hurts.. Gwendolyn, on the other hand, LOVES to be pet! She finds the massage rollers and hands them to me and sits down next to me and asks me to rub the bottom of her foot. It is so sweet!! She sits contently in my lap for long periods of time if I pet her :)
And a set of eight while Correlle cups (that match our set of dishes). A certain small person keeps finding our regular mugs and throwing them. And they break. We don't have many left. I'm hoping these will be a little more sturdy and stand up to Gwendolyn's throwing... Because I'm tired of cleaning ceramic up off the floor :)
And a magnetic fabric pouch to put on the fridge to hold all of the dry erase markers that go with the kids' magnetic calendar that's on the fridge.
All of this for the low, low price of 8.65. Awesome!!!!
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