Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A lovey at last?

Lucas has never had any sort of lovey. He just flat out refused to attach to anything. I had him sleep with the same bear and blanket for months. Nothing. He could care less about any stuffed animal or blanket we have given him. I thought that one might help him sleep better (he's always been a restless sleeper) No such luck... Until today, maybe. Yup, he's sleeping with a tupperware container. Definitely my first choice for a lovey :) He carried it around with him all morning and brought it to bed for naptime. He actually slept, by himself, without interruption for OVER TWO HOURS!!!!!! Monumental!! He usually only naps about a half hour or fourty five minutes, usually waking up at least once. Guess if I'm putting Lucas to bed tonight with said tupperware? You better believe it!!!!

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