Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sand castles

The ACE hardware in our town had a family fun day event today. Tim wanted to take the kids, but didn't think he would make it home from work in time, so I took them myself. (which might not sound like a big deal, but lately my activities have been limited to laying on the couch..we don't tend to go out much without Tim because I have been so tired) I'm so glad I did! There was a whole bunch of bouncy houses there - and Lucas LOVES bouncy houses! He calls them sand castles. Gwendolyn even went in and bounced around! They had so much fun! And they got to eat hot dogs and Cheetos for lunch, which was such a treat :) It really was a great day. Sometimes I have to remind myself that it is so worth the effort to scrape myself off the couch and take the kids out. It really made Lucas's day.


Anonymous said...

Cool Sand castles!!! I'm glad the kids had a great time in the bouncey houses! Wow! Gwendolyn bounced, too? Glad You're up and about, now. Love ya, Mom

Nicole {tired, need sleep} said...

This sounds so great! Good for you!