It has been quite a while since I have posted about our Tot School activities. So this is a catch up post of some of the random things that we have been doing lately. Now that the weather is getting colder and we're not spending so much time outside, we'll probably be doing a whole lot more organized Tot School again. Until the new baby comes :)
::Puzzles Lucas has been enjoying his magnetic fish puzzle on the fridge. He's starting to 'get' how to really do it, rather than lining the pieces up randomly.
Both kids have loved the bunny puzzle. Each of the faces has a different expression to represent a different feeling. I thought it would be good practice for Lucas to talk about emotions - he insists that all of the bunnys are happy. :) He is an upbeat kid!
When your little sister wanders off with the puzzle box, what are you to do but stack the pieces up in a little tower?
Gwendolyn mostly enjoyed putting the pieces in the box and closing it.
Gwendolyn liked chewing on the red circles...
::Art time water coloring is always a favorite around here!
Gwendolyn has taken to drawing!! Woohoo!! We have been doing lots and lots of coloring in recent weeks. She loves seeing the marks appear on the paper :) It's so nice to be able to sit with both kids and let them create.
::Games this has been a favorite around here for a long time. Pulling things out of a little white sack. In the picture, it was filled with random blocks and little toys that have no other home. It makes all of those little forgotten odds and ends so interesting!
::Cutting Lucas has really taken to cutting with scissors lately. He has tried and tried but just couldn't get the hang of it for the longest time. He was thrilled when he got it!
::String unknotting string is always a favorite around here.
::Toys with a lot of pieces :) anything that has a lot of pieces, that will make a big mess when dumped out, is loved by both kids! So I try to always keep at least one or two many-piece-somethings around. Wooden blocks with bowls and spoons - Lucas likes to 'make soup'.
Lots and lots of bottle caps with lots of containers to put them in.
Bracelets on a tray with bowls.
Duplos. Although we have a Duplo table, these usually wander all over the house :)
Nesting cat dolls.
::Geode cracking Grandma and Grandpa brought Lucas a geode to crack open. He loved whacking it with a hammer!!
::Recyclables The kids love ripping up and stomping on cardboard boxes. Our house is beginning to look like a hampster habitat with all of the shreds on the floor. But the kids to have some well developed small muscles in their hands!
::Bird watching Lucas watching birds with his monocular. And Gwendolyn watching Lucas watch birds. She is such a tiny observer.
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