Thursday, July 9, 2009

Storytime again

We went to story time at the library this morning. Again. But we tried the 3-6 year old age group rather than the 18 mos-3years that we usually go to. Lucas isn't quite 3 yet, but pretty close. It went so well! Lucas actually participated!! And Gwendolyn sat (mostly) quietly. I think we'll probably start going to that one instead. It seems alot more Lucas's speed. We did a lot of counting and pretnding to be animals (things he loves). The only problem is - if your baby makes too much noise, you have to leave. There are some days that Gwendolyn just doesn't sit quietly. Maybe I'll have to pack more toys for her... Because I'm definitely going to be taking Lucas!
Woohoo for storytime success!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad storytime is now working out:) Finding a Lucas speed class was the key!