Lucas making the bed :) All of the pillows were stacked along one side (not the top) and the blankets were all piled up in a big heap. He took so much time and care making sure the pillows and the blankets were just so. It's the best made bed I have ever seen!! I love his unique approach to everything he does!
Gwendolyn found an unattended stack of hangers. She really enjoys the sounds they make when they click together. She sits and whacks them against each other for ages- listening to her own music. She is such a sweet, happy, easily entertained girl! (because she's not a baby anymore, she's a real girl! I keep forgetting..)
I think Lucas must have been tired after all of the bed making. He's happily laying on a cushion driving one of his favorite trucks back and forth.
Lucas and Gwendolyn sure look busy doing all that work! Great job!
They sure do keep busy :)
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