Lucas is 44 months. Gwendolyn is 22 months. Catherine is 6 months.
We finished up our Ll, 1, yellow, etc lesson this week. The kiddos were starting to loose interest, so we moved on :)
Lucas practiced writing Ls. He is so focused! We are working more on holding the marker properly right now than the actual letter writing. As an added benefit, Gwendolyn keep asking me to help her hold her marker the right way! While Lucas practices letters, Gwendolyn colors her Bible verse printout with the color of the week. It keeps her happy, involved and away from Lucas so that he can concentrate :) (all of our printouts are from the Raising Rock Stars Preschool site)
We finished up our Ll, 1, yellow, etc lesson this week. The kiddos were starting to loose interest, so we moved on :)
Lucas practiced writing Ls. He is so focused! We are working more on holding the marker properly right now than the actual letter writing. As an added benefit, Gwendolyn keep asking me to help her hold her marker the right way! While Lucas practices letters, Gwendolyn colors her Bible verse printout with the color of the week. It keeps her happy, involved and away from Lucas so that he can concentrate :) (all of our printouts are from the Raising Rock Stars Preschool site)
Gwendolyn is reading out sight word book.
This week we started on our new lesson:
Thou shall not steal.
Memory matching cards
Lucas is still practicing to write L because, well, I don't know. He wanted to? And Gwendolyn is coloring her Bible verse with a green marker.
Thou shall not steal.
Memory matching cards
Lucas is still practicing to write L because, well, I don't know. He wanted to? And Gwendolyn is coloring her Bible verse with a green marker.
The kiddos put green perler beads and green pipecleaners into a cup. Daddy even helped Gwendolyn put some of the beads onto the pipecleaners.
Our green, T, 2 artwork.
We have been working on being kind and gentle with Catherine. And playing with her in an appropriate manner :) They adore the baby, but can be a little overzealous when sharing toys. And jumping around near her.
We played with penne pasta and put it into soda bottles.
Once again, I didn't get pictures of half of what we did. But we did it, and really, that is far more important than capturing a picture of it!
Looks like you had a great week! My two are similar ages so it is nice to read your blog! x
Great work at Totschool! They are leaarning alot and enjoying it!
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