Sunday, September 13, 2009


Today is a good day.
Because, why not?
I could list a long laundry list of crappy things that have happened today. But I don't think I will. Instead, I think I'll try to think of happy things..
Gwendolyn has such a sweet soft head. And she loves to cuddle up to me. Rubbing her tiny head on my leg. So many times every day, she walks up to me, cuddles her head up, and coos while I pet her. I love how lovey she is!
When I ran myself over with a wagon, Lucas came and pet me on the head and told me I would feel better soon :) And I did. Such a sweet boy!
We were outside and I told both kids that we had to go in because it was time for their nap. Gwendolyn made a happy noise and skittered up the steps and straight over to where her bottle was waiting in the house. Lucas walked over to his bed and crawled in. Both of them fell happily asleep in just a few minutes and have been sleeping peacefully for a long time. They are so good and cooperative!
I have fed them mostly quick and easy meals for the last week because I have been too tired to prepare anything better. Yesterday's lunch was chips and dried fruit. Lucas thanked me over and over for his 'special treat lunch.' I love how thankful and easy to please he is!
I love that the kids adore Tim and that he is such a good Daddy to them! Every morning when Lucas wake up, he looks for Tim and if he can't find him, he asks for him. Lucas is so thrilled every morning he wakes up and Tim is home. He runs through the house screaming 'Daddy HOME!!!!'
And maybe the happiest thing of all is how much the kids love each other. They always want to be together. They play together and come up with the funniest little games. Like racing each other back and forth through the house. And jumping in bed together :)
Yeah, today is a good day!

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