Yeah, it's a bird. We put up a bird feeder a long LONG time ago and haven't gotten any birds. At all. We finally got one today!!! Sadly, Lucas was napping and missed it. He spends long hours staring out the window waiting for birds to come. He's a patient boy. We put corn out for the squirrels, too. And we regularly have fat little squirrels running around our yard. So we get to see something out the window, while we wait for our birds. Anyways, we moved the feeder today. Hopefully the new, farther away from the house, spot will encourage the more jumpy birds to stop by. Until then, we have a picture!
We really need a bird feeder! Glad your back. =)
:) Thanks! We are loving our bird feeder - we've spent long hours looking out the window at the birds, and one of Lucas's new favorite activities is filling the birdfeeder - and we just got Tim a bird identifiction book for his birthday, so we know what all of the birds coming to our feeder are. It's really a great family activity. (and it's pretty cheap, which is a big plus!)
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