It always looks like he's just gotten away with something and is pretending to be innocent :)

Tim fell asleep on the couch and Lucas happily poured toys over his head.. See the wooden bowl? It's full of wooden blocks. I thought it was FAR too funny to stop Lucas from dumping things over Tim's head.

We went to
Jonamac Orchard - Lucas is playing with water pumps, sending little plastic duckies down the 'slides' He played there for hours - he LOVED it!!

Tim taught Lucas to hunt flies - need I say more?
Lucas has been so fascinated by the camera lately. Every time he sees it, he wants his picture taken, then he wants to look at all the pictures that I've taken - and point at each one. And narrate a story about each. It's oh so cute :) I am happy to say I now have lots of pictures of his face! I no longer have to sneak up behind him to get his picture.
does your hubby work at Kat?
Nope. Lucas just loves excavation equipmnent, so I got him a Cat shirt :) To go along with his Cat toys... and Cat books.. LOL
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