My parents got us gladioli bulbs for an Easter present and we planted them under the living room window today. I think the kids will love looking out the window when the flowers are in bloom and seeing all the bees and butterflies that they attract :) Not to mention
I will love looking out the window and seeing the flowers - I love gladiolis!!
We also planted lettuce, spinach, swiss chard, field corn, and a handful of other flowers today. I can't wait to see all of this growing!! Lucas is enjoying 'helping' gardening. LOL It's more like chasing him down trying to retrieve whatever shovel/rake/hoe that you need and trying to convince him NOT to dump entire packets of seeds wherever he wants (like in the lawn.. ) But it's really good fun. Gwendolyn is enjoying sitting in the lawn and munching on grass these days. I say, at least she's getting her greens...
It has been a great day playing outside :)