Friday, November 30, 2007

He's a real boy

With a real haircut. I finally broke down today and decided it was time to cut Lucas's hair. (one too many 'what a pretty girl' comments? maybe.) He was soooooo good for it!! Sadly we didn't get any action shots during the cutting, because it took both of us to keep him still. But it worked!!! We all sat on the living room floor and gave Lucas a bunch of stuff he isn't supposed to play with (a bulb syringe, two thermometers, and a tube of lanolin) and turned the television on for good measure :) He sat happily playing with his treasures while I cut his hair and Tim made the thermometers beep for him. After a while he realized something was up and started rubbing his not so furry head on my leg happily. He seems to like the lack of hair - see the grin in the photos?? He's so handsome, but I sure do miss all the furriness!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Crafty, if you ask me.

We were making paper snowflakes this morning. Lucas colored the paper - he even picked out wintry colors all on his own!!! (Lucas is so into drawing - I'm so glad we got the crayons out!!) Then he showed me just where he wanted me to cut out the designs :) Here he is posing with the finished project and two Christmas colored blocks that he picked out.

A day of play

We went out to McDonald's for breakfast this morning. Lucas has so much fun in the play place. Lucas and Tim were playing games and having such a good time :)
My baby boy in motion :)

Christmas shopping

(This picture doesn't really have anything to do with the post. It's just a cute picture of my happy boy. Sure, I have new pictures that I could put up. But who knows where my camera is? So, for today, a sweet if unrelated picture.)

Today we went out shopping. Me and the boy :) And we found some awesome Christmas presents. All for Lucas, of course. We'll see if I actually make it to Christmas to give him all of his presents. Probably not. Anyways, we got a set of wooden bowls (like soup bowls, but wood..) that are going to be great for leaving out with snacks in them. I always think he's going to break the glass bowls that I leave out, even though they're supposed to be unbreakable. So this is a perfect solution!!He can happily enjoy snacks in a bowl AND won't break my new dishes :) It just doesn't get much better than that! And a spiffy braided wool rug. It's red, white and blue and only about two or three feet across. Just because Lucas likes rugs. :) Maybe it will have a purpose when he's older (a cozy spot to sit and read?) But for now it's just something to pick up and carry around and lay on and put stuff on and put stuff under. It's so fun to watch him explore and play. It's amazing how he can play with one little simple thing for ages and be entranced by it. His new favorite game is carrying around things from the recycling bin (cardboard boxes, water jugs) and dropping cheerios in :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

All the work of baking brownies

We had a busy morning of making
Daddy a surprise - fudgey brownies!!
Lucas soo enjoyed playing with each measuring cup as I finished with it. Oh, and playing in the flour, of course. He was so tired after making the brownies, he fell asleep on the living room floor - he couldn't even make it to bed!! But after his nap, he had to admire his handiwork.

Crayons, crayons, wonderful crayons!

Yesterday was Lucas's first foray into art. He LOVED it!!! He studied each crayon at length, picked them out of the box and put them back in. He even knew he was supposed to color on the paper!!!

Can I really post a picture?

I'm trying to figure out just how to post a picture. I think I figured it out!! See the pic over there? (to the left) It is stinking adorable. Lucas is such a smiley little baby!! I made the amber necklace he is wearing, and the knit shorts. And the owl shirt is just spiffy, so why not?
Oh, and if you don't see a picture over there, just imagine a cute baby sitting on a couch, and I'll try to figure out how to actually post one :)

The starting of a blog

I decided it was time to start a blog. Everyone is always asking for updates about Lucas. And pictures, can't forget the pictures! So here is one convenient spot for updates, pictures, and my musings about it all! Ah, the wonders of the internet. Check back for something entertaining soon!!