Saturday, December 22, 2007
Random Cuteness of the Boy
The Christmas Present Arrives
Lucas got a Christmas present in the mail the other day from Grammy and Grandpa. He was sooo entertained by just pushing the box back and forth on the living room floor :) We opened it up yesterday so that we could put it together before Christmas. Lucas was such a helper!! He handed me each piece out of the box. And the best part about his new play table? He can sit right on top of it :)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Boys will be boys
Lucas has gotten really good at building with mega blocks lately (kind of like legos, but really big and the only plastic toy he can get his hands on around here) But he's not quite good enough to make his buildings stand up on the floor yet - still a bit too wobbly. He needs someone to hold his building still for him. And the best place to build? Dad's mouth, of course. When Tim wasn't looking, Lucas shoved a small megablock into his mouth and kept on building. Tim thought it was funny enough that he cooperated :)
Tea for two
We enjoyed a nice mug of tea :) It was a happy afternoon treat. Lucas has liked tea well enough ever since I started letting him share mine. But it's kind of bland, so he never loved it. But all that has changed - he's finally old enough for honey! Now he LOVES tea!!! He drank his whole cup and came begging for more :)
(Note the nice Cintas mug!!)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A lovey at last?
Lucas has never had any sort of lovey. He just flat out refused to attach to anything. I had him sleep with the same bear and blanket for months. Nothing. He could care less about any stuffed animal or blanket we have given him. I thought that one might help him sleep better (he's always been a restless sleeper) No such luck... Until today, maybe. Yup, he's sleeping with a tupperware container. Definitely my first choice for a lovey :) He carried it around with him all morning and brought it to bed for naptime. He actually slept, by himself, without interruption for OVER TWO HOURS!!!!!! Monumental!! He usually only naps about a half hour or fourty five minutes, usually waking up at least once. Guess if I'm putting Lucas to bed tonight with said tupperware? You better believe it!!!!
The garbage man strikes again
Our New Couch!!
Woohoo! Like my model??? It was good fun getting it home (not really) The
place we got it from (in DeKalb) doesn't deliver as far as Dixon. We had to rent a truck to bring it home. Not so bad. We had to move it with Lucas's help. A bit worse. He was cranky. Ahh! I had to wear him in his backpack carrier the whole time we moved it and strapped it into the truck (He doesn't like Tim wearing him when he's in a bad mood) We were all rather tired by the end of the day. But now we have a nice new couch :) And Lucas soo loves hiding stuff behind the cushions. And modeling on it, of course!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Paint, huh?
So apparently Lucas wasn't quite ready to use finger paints... He first tried to drink the whole jar of paint. Then I dipped his finger in and tried to splat them on the paper. Well, he thought it would be more fun to lick it all off of his fingers. We were using red paint.. It looked like he had on some praticularly bold red lipstick. :)
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas part TWO
We got a Christmas tree!! We went to pick out a fresh one - in arctic temperatures and the snow. It was lots of fun.
Tim did a professional job trimming it and somehow making it stand up. And Lucas is entertained - but isn't thrilled that it pokes his head when he walks under it :) It is too funny watching him trying to duck/scuttle by the tree on the way to the window.
The Grandparents Visit
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Bye bye carpet!
Lucas and I had a fun day of ripping up carpet in the living room :) Was Tim ever surprised when he came home and found that we had hardwood floors. They are NICE hardwood floors but need to be refinished, which is apparently a spring project. Lucas is so enjoying sliding around on the floor pulling his baskets of toys around.
Food, food, glorious food
Monday, December 3, 2007
Over the river and through the woods
It's off to Grandma and Grandpa's house we go!!
Lucas loves going to visit grandma and grandpa!!! See the big grin when Grandpa was holding him??? And a picture of all of us, just for fun :) Somehow I managed to get a complete lack of pictures of Grandma and Lucas - eesh.
Oh, and Lucas playing with his 'kitchen' that Grandma set up for him. Lots of bowls, fruit snacks and pitchers, not to mention a little chair sitting next to a cabinet that he can open!!- what more could a boy ask for??
The wonders of Chicago part two
The wonders of Chicago
Friday, November 30, 2007
He's a real boy
With a real haircut. I finally broke down today and decided it was time to cut Lucas's hair. (one too many 'what a pretty girl' comments? maybe.) He was soooooo good for it!! Sadly we didn't get any action shots during the cutting, because it took both of us to keep him still. But it worked!!! We all sat on the living room floor and gave Lucas a bunch of stuff he isn't supposed to play with (a bulb syringe, two thermometers, and a tube of lanolin) and turned the television on for good measure :) He sat happily playing with his treasures while I cut his hair and Tim made the thermometers beep for him. After a while he realized something was up and started rubbing his not so furry head on my leg happily. He seems to like the lack of hair - see the grin in the photos?? He's so handsome, but I sure do miss all the furriness!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Crafty, if you ask me.
We were making paper snowflakes this morning. Lucas colored the paper - he even picked out wintry colors all on his own!!! (Lucas is so into drawing - I'm so glad we got the crayons out!!) Then he showed me just where he wanted me to cut out the designs :) Here he is posing with the finished project and two Christmas colored blocks that he picked out.
A day of play
Christmas shopping
(This picture doesn't really have anything to do with the post. It's just a cute picture of my happy boy. Sure, I have new pictures that I could put up. But who knows where my camera is? So, for today, a sweet if unrelated picture.)

Today we went out shopping. Me and the boy :) And we found some awesome Christmas presents. All for Lucas, of course. We'll see if I actually make it to Christmas to give him all of his presents. Probably not. Anyways, we got a set of wooden bowls (like soup bowls, but wood..) that are going to be great for leaving out with snacks in them. I always think he's going to break the glass bowls that I leave out, even though they're supposed to be unbreakable. So this is a perfect solution!!He can happily enjoy snacks in a bowl AND won't break my new dishes :) It just doesn't get much better than that! And a spiffy braided wool rug. It's red, white and blue and only about two or three feet across. Just because Lucas likes rugs. :) Maybe it will have a purpose when he's older (a cozy spot to sit and read?) But for now it's just something to pick up and carry around and lay on and put stuff on and put stuff under. It's so fun to watch him explore and play. It's amazing how he can play with one little simple thing for ages and be entranced by it. His new favorite game is carrying around things from the recycling bin (cardboard boxes, water jugs) and dropping cheerios in :)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
All the work of baking brownies
Daddy a surprise - fudgey brownies!!
Lucas soo enjoyed playing with each measuring cup as I finished with it. Oh, and playing in the flour, of course. He was so tired after making the brownies, he fell asleep on the living room floor - he couldn't even make it to bed!! But after his nap, he had to admire his handiwork.
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